Chalmers Sustainability

On the 8th of November, it was time for this year’s edition of Chalmers Sustainability Day. This year’s theme was Circular Economy and the event included masterclasses in the morning and workshops sessions in the afternoon. Various topics were discussed, such as urban metabolism and resource flows, design opportunities and measures, and service-based value chains.

As part of the event, Anneli Selvefors, Bijan Aryana and Jonas Tuveson organised a workshop on the topic of design for circular consumption. The workshop aimed to introduce students, teachers and others to a Use2Use mindset, i.e. that products and services can be designed to support people to circulate products from use to use. The workshop participants were asked to explore how to make it preferable to people to circulate and re-use mobile phones. Two tools from the Use2Use design toolkit were used to support the workshop activities. With the Circular Journeys Exploration Pack and the Circular Designs Ideation Pack the participants identified many hinders to circularity and came up with numerous ideas for how to make it more convenient, efficient and attractive to circulate phones.